
Ferries online

Online Ferry bookings
Car ferries leave Piombino almost hourly for Portoferraio in the summer season. There are also daily ferries for Cavo and Rio Marina. 

The main shipping companies are Toremar, Moby Lines, Blu Navy und Corsica ferries. The crossing Piombino-Portoferraio takes one hour. Recently a new "fast" boat carrying a limited number of cars is in service. 

A hydrofoil service (no cars) takes 40 minutes.

You may compare the prices of all shipping companies and purchase your ticket directly through our online booking system without paying the booking fee

By booking a stay you will receive discount codes for the online purchase of the ferry ticket on our website with discounts of up to 20%.

General timetables and discounts for the Toremar and Mobylines shipping companies

Service handled by Misterferry.com

General timetables and discounts for the Blunavy shipping company